Saturday, November 1, 2008

Our family

Our family is doing great!! We love our new home and the wonderful smell of the northern air.Thanks to Mackilla who is in gr.7 we were able to set up our blog. She said it was easy. Trent loves working on Neil&Carols house. Me well I am busy..very busy with my kids and the neighbours two girls.Kyla has started highland dance and thinks it is great. Kyla and Liam love jr.high and are both on the volleyball team. Bailey is content with his teacher and friends and loves to read. He just finished a round of swim lessons and was the only one who gets to move to the next level!! Samantha has started highland dance and loves it. She also is content with her teacher. Parker is in kindergarten and is learning lots he says! Just today I over heard him telling his little brother who was trying to light a candle in the pumpkin..".No only I can to that because I have my learners licence and it's level 1!!"Carter has started preschool and says he is huge now!Alisabeth is almost walking and figures she is big enough to wrestle with her brothers! Well that's us today ,tomorrow will be another day!!!